Born and raised in Milan, I am a freelance Chef currently based in Verona. With a background in humanistic studies and a bachelor’s degree in Media communications and Cultural events organization, I’ve dedicated the past decade to the food, health and wellbeing industries. With senior experience in professional kitchens in Milan Tuscany, Barbados, Sardinia, Gran Cayman, Istanbul, Chamonix and Ibiza.

After many years of working in world class restaurants and luxury properties around the world, I now specialise in the private service and consultancy industry. What began as a culinary curiosity from a young age, has developed to be an everlasting thirst for knowledge and a drive for success.

RAW - Head of lattuce, carrot, celery, fennel, purple cabbage, fermented white cabbage, radish, chive, mint leaves and inflorescence, whole rice flour, evo oil.

RAW - Head of lattuce, carrot, celery, fennel, purple cabbage, fermented white cabbage, radish, chive, mint leaves and inflorescence, whole rice flour, evo oil.


I believe that when the fundamental power of nourishing food, is balanced with physical activity and mental serenity, we can reach a deep state of health and exceptional quality of life. I am committed to sharing conscious food education: powered by nature’s goodness, a plant-based cuisine that enhances the essential importance of healthier dietary habits for the betterment of our lives.